Why do Cyclists falsely assume their Bicycle has Bike Insurance?

Why do Cyclists falsely assume their Bicycle has Bike Insurance?

Unfortunately, since there is no requirement for bike or eBike insurance, cyclists falsely assume that their bicycle or electric bicycle has coverage.

The #1 reason cyclists have a false assumption that their bike or eBike has coverage is because they believe homeowners insurance does it. Many insurance experts advise us to consider today's homeowner's insurance as "catastrophic loss protection." This insight is because homeowner's policies often have high deductibles, multiple claims can lead to cancellation or non-renewal, lower limits on certain individual items, and a claim can cause your premium to jump significantly.

Today's bicycles and eBikes need a standalone insurance coverage policy to provide cyclists with protection. The BikeInsure plan covers both bicycles and eBikes. In addition, it provides reimbursement for repairs to your bicycle or eBike and listed accessories due to accidents when riding. Coverage continues during transit of the bicycle or eBike and extends to a stolen bike or eBike when optional theft protection is selected.

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In contrast to high homeowner's deductibles, BikeInsure BikeCoverage has a simple $100 deductible per loss occurrence. Additionally, if optional TheftProtect is selected, there is a low $250 deductible in the event of a theft loss.

A homeowner's deductible may be higher than a bike purchase price.

BikeInsure is a cost-effective, standalone, primary insurance solution for your bicycle or eBike. The BikeInsure smart alternative provides the protection you need without compromising your homeowner's insurance. So before your next bike ride, sign up at BikeInsure.com so you too may own your bicycle with ''peace of mind'' BikeInsure coverage for just $16.99 /mo.

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+ $8/mo.
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