Protected Bike Lanes Infrastructure Advocacy results in Bicycle Safety

Protected Bike Lanes Infrastructure Advocacy will result in Bicycle Safety

1,500+ Safe Streets Cycling Advocates rode to Capitol Hill to urge the U.S. Congress and the Biden Administration to fund safe biking and pedestrian infrastructure.

Capitol Hill Lobbying Rally for Safe Streets

Protected bike lanes

"We’re pushing Congress to provide total funding for the Active Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Program in the 2023 appropriations omnibus bill. With this funding, we can help communities build safe active transportation infrastructure, including safer bike lanes, new bike paths, and bike infrastructure with fewer gaps that force bikers and pedestrians to ride on dangerous roadways."

A message from Trek President, John Burke

John urged everyone to Ride to Congress to call on Congress to do several things.

"1) Fully fund the federal infrastructure act in the omnibus bill at 500 Million Dollars per year. This bill will improve existing poor bike infrastructure. It will also build more protected bike lanes in communities all across America and,

2) Improve truck safety by requiring in-person training, side guards, sensors, and blind-spot monitors. No one should feel unsafe while riding their bike, and no one should lose their life while riding their bicycle. It is time that Congress acts and prevents senseless deaths."

The Washington Post published an excellent article highlighting the Bicycle Ride for Road Safety in America. More than 1,500 people participated in the "Ride for Your Life" event, promoted by Trek, the Washington Area Bicyclist AssociationFamilies for Safe Streets, and People for Bikes.

"As an avid cyclist, seeing the John Burke video was my call to action," said Buzzy Cohn of BikeInsure. Therefore, Buzzy photographed the event so the cycling safety mission may be visually appreciated and memorialized.

Freedom Plaza meetup in Washington, DC.
Preparing to ride a custom BLAZE bicycle to the Capitol.
Washington DC area TREK led the contingency of more than 1,500 cyclists safely down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Team Bikenetic of Northern Virginia Cycling for Safe Streets.
Each bike had a story. Here, a TREK owner riding the Protected Bike Lane of Pennsylvania Avenue.
Some had new bikes, and others rode older versions with Bontrager wheels. However, the mission was the same.
The peloton of cyclists passes the Waldorf Astoria Washington DC.
Another Canyon Road Bike destined for the 'Ride for your Life' rally.
There were road, commuter, mountain, and even eBikes in participation.
A Team Bikenetic cyclist.
A group of TREK commuters.
TREK cyclist riding in bike lane.
A road bike headed to the Capitol via a Protected BIke Lane.
Small raised barriers, called Zebra's, separate cyclists and cars on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Most cycling participants dressed warmly as the ride began with a temperature of 32 degrees.
As the Capitol approached, the peloton of bicycle lobbyists filled Pennsylvania Avenue.
TREK bike owners Called-to-Action.
The cyclists had descended on Union Square Park in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC.
John Burke, TREK, shared the mission with the cycling advocates.
Dan Langenkamp emotionally defined his experience and crucial initiatives with the cyclists on Capitol Hill.
Amy Cohen, founder of Families for Safe Streets, discussed her life-changing experience while advocating for infrastructure improvements.
Congressman Jamie Raskin represents Maryland’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congressman Raskin spoke of his support for the Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Program.
As the cycling advocates ride into 2023, the push continues for approval of the Appropriations Omnibus Bill.
A passed bill may result in safer bike lanes, new bike paths, and bike infrastructure.

On behalf of BikeInsure,THANK YOU to the Langenkamp Family, Amy Cohen of Families for Safe Streets, John Burke of TREK, Congressman Jamie Raskin, Washington Area Bicyclist Association, People for Bikes, and the other distinguished speakers, along with each cycling advocate. Together, our collective "Ride for Your Life" efforts will improve bicycle safety for everyone in the United States.

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